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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.


Soul Connection for Couples

Realize your relationship’s potential and learn to alchemize challenges into connection and healing


"Working with Hannah for couples therapy with my partner has been PRICELESS to our relationship, and one of the main reasons my partner and I are still in relationship. I highly recommend her for couples therapy. She creates a safe space for him and I to talk openly and express freely our feelings, reactions, and stories we make up about each other, ourselves, and our relationship.” -CT


The problem: How do we get from good to great?

Invitations to grow might be showing up as…

  • Feeling disconnected, unappreciated, resentful or like there’s stuff your partner just “does’t get.”

  • Worrying that your needs and personalities are too different.

  • Feeling frustrated with the same old resentments coming up and rehashing the past.

  • Struggling to talk about touchy subjects without fighting or avoiding communication for fear of making it worse.

  • Missing the old romantic and sexual spark.

  • Falling into the shaming and blaming even though you know it doesn’t work.

  • Feeling like your needs aren’t being met or that your partner’s needs are overwhelming.

  • Judging your partner as being checked out or unengaged, or as critical, needy or impossible to please.

  • Having fights that escalate pretty quick and getting “emotional hangovers.”

  • Finding it hard to prioritize your relationship.

  • Struggling to feel like you are 100% on the same team.


The solution:

I help you turn this all around by…

  • Expanding your awareness of exactly how and why challenges are showing up.

  • Guiding you through a specific process to clean up resentments past and present.

  • Teaching you the simple straightforward tools to alchemize conflict into connection.

  • Giving you the specific tools to deal with conflict confidently and lovingly.

  • Cultivating a deep sense of your relationship’s soul purpose.

“She (Hannah) has given me the support and tools to be a better partner and individual. Hannah provides a safe environment for me to bring to forth all  facets of my personality and relationship. I'm forever grateful for her help, empathy and sincerity.” -Client

The outcome:

  • A united front and have the tools to feel connected, loved and understood.

  • Feeling confident and proud of your relationship.

  • Being pros at meeting and communicating needs without shame and blame.

  • Connection, spark and chemistry.

  • Knowing exactly what to do to diffuse a fight and what to do if you feel ignored or smothered.

  • Trusting that you have each other’s backs, are on the same team and are each other’s number one.

  • Awakening to your relationship’s soul purpose.

Each week includes a deep dive session focussed on the following topics:


Working with imagery to get a deeply accurate picture of your relationship past, present and future.


Exploring and understanding your “operating system.”


Exploring and understanding your partner’s “operating system.”


Debriefing: Understanding how you and your partner’s operating systems fit together. Understanding your complementary attachment styles and nervous systems. Looking at your relationship strengths and challenges through this lens.


Making amends: cleaning up resentments past and present once and for all.


Relationship Alchemy: the tailored to you tools to diffuse any fight and turn conflict into connection.


The Tarot archetypes and your Tarot constellations: A spiritual perspective on your relationship.


Integrating the Shadow: Creating a home where all of you is welcome.

*As part of the process, you and your partner have the option to reach out in between sessions with questions and receive a video response from me within 48 hours, usually sooner.


What we will do:

  • Experiential work to paint a deeply poignant picture of your relationship past, present and future.

  • Two deep dive sessions to uncover you and your partners “operating systems” and nervous system styles.

  • Deep debriefing session weaving this information together with current challenges and clear solutions.

  • Learn and do a specific process to hear, be heard, make amends and clean up past resentments once and for all.

  • Unlock your superpower to diffuse any fight and alchemize conflict into connection.

  • Discover how and why your strengths and challenges make you soul mates.

  • Learn the tools to create a home where all of you is welcome.

How we will do it:

  • Jungian depth therapy techniques

  • Accessing the wisdom of the unconscious and your intuition

  • Working with imagery

  • Tried and true guided process to release resentment

  • Jungian Sand tray

  • Tarot

  • Ritual

  • Experiential exercises

  • Homework in between sessions

Why it works so well:

  • I use combination of “bottom up” and “top down” methods that harness the mind body connection to create embodied transformation.

  • I work with attachment (how you are wired to love) to create interventions that heal relationships at the roots.

  • I work with your neurobiology to understand how your brain is responding to threat and how to create safety.

  • I work with transpersonal psychology so that treatment includes the mind, body and spirit and treats the whole person.

  • I create a safe place for deep work.

  • Each session is focussed, guided and the result of countless hours of experience working with couples.

This process is for you if…

  • You want concrete take aways from couples therapy.

  • You want to get a lot of work done in a shorter amount of time.

  • You want and are ready to let go of blame and shame.

  • Are fully committed to your relationship and want to grow together.

  • Want the tools to communicate safely and effectively around difficult topics.

  • Identify with having anxious or avoidant attachment styles.

  • Want to celebrate your differences without threatening the relationship.

This process is not for you if…

  • You are not committed to your partnership.

  • You or your partner are active in addiction to substances.

  • You or your partner are dealing with any symptoms of severe mental illness right now.

  • You are experiencing domestic violence.

  • You are trying to heal from an affair or actively engaging in an affair/breaking agreements.

  • Don’t want to do some work in between sessions.

“Hannah's loving, heart-centered therapy has created a safe place for us to express without feeling afraid or as reactive, and we are able to discuss the elephant under the rug, fears in the relationship, insecurities, hurt feelings, desires, our boundaries, and bottom lines. We also can express our love, inspiration, and desires for our connection and ways of being in relationship." - Client

why an 8 week process instead of ongoing therapy?

  • The Soul Connection Process is more cost effective than ongoing therapy: Couples pay me between $10,000 and $12,000 per year for ongoing therapy and one 50 minute session is $250. The cost of Soul Connection is a fraction of that cost. Years of working with couples day in and day out has allowed me to distill the process down to what is most essential and productive for couples.

  • The Soul connection process is focussed, guided and you are supported every step of the way: Ongoing therapy can stretch out indefinitely and feel unfocussed. The Soul Connection Process goes deeper and goes quicker. Designed for growth oriented couples, the Soul Connection process can create rapid healing and deepening in your relationship. As part of the process, you and your partner have the option to reach out in between sessions with questions and receive a video response from me within 48 hours, usually sooner.

  • The Soul Connection Process is more creative: During our time together you will be engaging in depth oriented and creative modalities that go way beyond the traditional “how do you feel about that?” model. We get to the heart of the matter by harnessing the power of Jungian techniques and spiritual perspectives that help you access and express your deepest truth.

Time commitment:

8 in person or online sessions 1hour 40 minutes each

An hour of homework in between sessions

Financial commitment:


all inclusive. This includes all 8 sessions (8 double sessions = 16 total), all digital content and option to email questions and receive loom video responses in between sessions. Payment due in full day of first session unless otherwise agreed upon.

Your commitment:

To attend all sessions and complete all pre-session homework. To be all in and fully committed to your personal growth and relationship health.

Click the link below to get started.


I am a licensed marriage and family therapist and I love couples! Couples love my warm, non-judgemental style and how effectively I hold space. This program is the synthesis of countless hours of training, providing couples therapy and my own personal work and spiritual practice. I know from personal experience the power a loving marriage has to heal and catalyze personal growth. My own marriage is a source of limitless joy, learning and expansion. I want the same for you and your partner. See more about my credentials and experience here.

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