Online Therapy
Individual or couples therapy in the comfort of your own home
Benefits of online therapy
Allows you to engage in either individual or couples therapy safely in the comfort of your own home
Increased convenience
Decreased costs: less time away from work, no parking or commuting costs
Increased flexibility and access to help
Increased feeling of safety and comfort
Exactly how does online therapy work?
Online therapy is convenient, flexible and secure. It begins with booking an appointment online here. Once you choose a service: either individual therapy or couples therapy, you or you and you partner will choose a time that works for you. Then you’ll receive a welcome email that links you to your client portal where you will fill out the intake, read my practice policies and add your payment information.
24 hours before your scheduled appointment you will receive an email with a link made just for you. Simply click this link to attend to our virtual session. Virtual appointments are done through a totally secure and protected HIPPA compliant platform called simple practice. During our virtual session you will want to be in a place where you feel comfortable and private.
Many clients like to have a pen and paper handy for reflection or therapeutic exercises we might do. If you would prefer to meet over the phone without video this is possible for individual sessions. Given the current circumstance some clients need increased flexibility for privacy, like doing a voice call session while they walk to the park.
Does online therapy work as well as face to face therapy?
The short answer is yes. There are many studies that show online therapy to be as effective as face-to-face therapy. Besides the obvious benefit of increased convenience, online therapy has other strengths. Online therapy can provide increased benefit for certain personalities and lifestyles. For instance those who identify as highly sensitive benefit from the increased sense of safety and decreased stimulus that online therapy provides. In some cases the social aspects/demands of traditional therapy are a hindrance. Online therapy can make it easier to discuss traumatic or difficult subjects because some people feel more comfortable doing this with a little more distance in place. Online therapy provides more of a sense of control and comfort and supports people in taking care of themselves while they do the work of therapy. People with young children may find online therapy convenient because they can engage in therapy privately with their child in the next room and not have to leave the house or find childcare.
Couples in particular may benefit from online therapy due to the increased convenience and flexibility. Scheduling is one of the major hindrances to beginning and maintaining couples therapy and online therapy reduces these stressors. In addition, many couples experience being in their own home more inviting than going to a therapy office. Having a third person in the room while discussing intimate subjects can be intimidating or difficult for many people and online therapy gives you the space to get help and still be just the two of you. Many couples find simply getting to therapy the hardest part of beginning the process and online therapy makes it easy. Some couples notice an increased depth of connection and communication while engaging in online therapy at home versus coming into a traditional therapy office.
Therapy during the pandemic
To align to the changing circumstances caused by COVID-19 and the measures to reduce its impacts, sessions are available via video or phone. Many of us are experiencing anxiety, grief or relationship tension during these times. Therapy can help. I want to empower you to respond rather than react to difficult circumstances and to provide a safe place to express feelings and concerns. I also want to support growth oriented couples and individuals who are experiencing this time as a unique opportunity for transformation, reevaluation, healing and soul connection.