The Hermit Archetype
Hannah Green
Hermit Card Modern Witches Tarot Deck
Dear Community,
Happy September and I hope this finds you well!
During the majority of September the sun is in Virgo. Virgo is associated with the Hermit card in the Tarot. Last month we talked about a wonderful example of the Hermit archetype: Mary Magdalene.
Although some of us may have some negative associations with the word Hermit after quarantine I believe this archetype to be a wonderful and timely ally.
The Hermit archetype is about tapping into resources at our depths. The Hermit encourages us to know ourselves and our values so that we might live beautifully and in alignment with our deepest truths.
Both the Hermit and Virgo archetypes are about consistently working towards our chosen ideal.
The Hermit has gone into the cave to find the light within. After facing the darkness, she emerges and is available to be of service to others in a deeper way.
I believe the challenges we are facing collectively are catalyzing three things on the personal level:
An opportunity to reevaluate our lives and make changes based on our values.
The opportunity/necessity to dig deeper than ever before, excavating inner resources.
An opportunity to face and process darkness or depression that we are usually able to avoid.
I believe that when we are engaged in these three things we are benefiting the collective, building character and expanding capacity for meaningful living.
The Hermit archetype can guide and support this process.
Hermit Wild Unknown Deck
Questions for Reflection and Working With the Hermit Archetype
How do I take time each day to connect with myself?
Who are my mentors and elders?
What am I ending and what am I beginning in life?
What measures could I take to decrease chaos and make more space for peace, service and personal exploration?
I have made a few Tarot appointments available in September. If you would like to come in and explore these or any other emergent questions you can book that here. I would love to see you!
*Tarot appointments are different from and are not psychotherapy. If you would like to join my waitlist for couples or individual therapy please do so here.
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