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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Autumn Equinox and Magical England

Hannah Green

Dear Community,

Happy September!

I had a wonderful trip to England and am still integrating all experiences and awakenings I had there in the beautiful land of my birth!

We came to find out that our trip had been intuitively planned along St. Michael and Mary Ley Lines. This ley line is an ancient line of pilgrimage and I felt a profound sense of coming home to myself as the journey unfolded. Along the way we visited many sacred sites, some well known like Avebury, Glastonbury Abbey, St Michaels Mount and Tintagel Castle and also many sweet and lesser know holy wells and stone circles along the way. I particularly loved visiting the Chalice Well - pure magic! Glastonbury Abbey, Silbury hill, White Horse Hill and St. Nectan's Glen are also very special to me. Each place connected me deeply with the earth and with my roots.

I talk more about the places, share photos and experiences on my Instagram account Hannah Green Therapy

During the journey my role as a therapist became crystal clear: I am here to support my clients in developing and trusting their own intuition and natural cycles. This includes helping them to assess and release anything that blocks their connection with intuition and deep Self - such as unresolved trauma and addiction. Over the last years I have become increasingly focussed on the cyclical nature of everything and the mighty balance underlying. I have come to see reality as cyclical and reliable. The moon and her cycles are a prime example! The Many Moons Workbook is an amazing asset for people wanting to connect with the moon and her cycles.

As a therapist, getting to observe my clients in their monthly and sometimes annual life cycles has given me a profound trust in how human beings also naturally and cyclically develop. My clients are always growing, gaining awareness, deepening their relationship to self and other and in short: always evolving. In my view we are developing beautifully however: the modern mind feels separate from these natural cycles and therefor struggles to trust. I realized that many people, especially women come into therapy because they need a space in which to reflect and receive reflection about their cyclical development and again begin to deeply trust themselves.

One beautiful way to envision these cycles is through the lens of the Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother (fully mature, sexual, creative woman) and Wise Woman. As women we flow through these life cycles and each one is amazing! As we flow through these cycles we mirror nature and nature mirrors us. Many women who come to therapy are transitioning from Maiden to Mother or from Mother to Wise Woman. Remembering our roots, shedding our snake skins and flowing through the cycles allows us to see, enjoy and trust the process.

Here are a few of my favorite autumnal resources that foster connection with the earth's natural cycles:

If Women Rose Rooted

This book speaks deeply to any woman in transition: which is all of us!

Autumn Equinox is coming Saturday September 22nd and Starhawk offers an online ritual to celebrate this and other important cyclical transitions.

I am wishing you a wonderful turn of the season. I love this time of year. At the Equinox we begin the journey inward toward winter and longer nights. As we rest we can integrate the experiences of the year and like the caterpillar we will emerge again into light - transformed by another cycle.

Lots of love to all!