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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Entering the Cave, Working with the Shadow

Hannah Green

Dear Community,

Happy New Year! Hope you have been enjoying all this incredible rain.

Water is grounding in its essence as it always flows down towards the earth. Water finds its way through every crevice of the land ~ down ~ down ~ into the womb of the earth. This winter I am learning from the water and finding my way down into the nutrient rich soil of my inner world and of the earth. No matter what the circumstances, no matter what engaging and distracting elements dance upon the surface lets follow waters example and find our way to the depths and find our way home.

If you live in California you know that our winters are mild and yet many of us still feel the pull to hibernate. I encourage those that have it to honor that pull and to ground, to be in our homes, to make soup and to hibernate in the ways that feel restorative and rejuvenating to YOU. Winter invites us to go into the cave of ourselves where we can rest and take refuge. During meditation we can imaging grounding down into the earth and finding mineral rich caves in which to burrow and soak up the earth's protection. Within those caves we can enjoy the nutritious darkness and the earths embrace. Down in the belly of the earth ~ inside a cave ~ we see that darkness is not simply the absence of light. It is nutritious and rich and thick with aliveness. The winter reminds us of night’s nourishment and encourages us to rest, to sleep, to dream and to embrace our own shadow. This allows us to absorb those nutrients and embody that richness.

The full moon lunar eclipse this weekend will occur as the sun, moon and the earth are in perfect alignment. During these rare times we can look up at the moon and see our own shadow, the shadow of the earth cast upon our beautiful moon. The ability to observe our own shadow is profound. The willingness to look at our own shadow and see our shadow reflected back to us through the mirror of relationship allows us to grow and to integrate all aspects of our self into wholeness. Perhaps this winter weekend is an invitation to really welcome the nourishing darkness of the season and to embrace with open arms whatever we experience as shadow.

What does the shadow mean to you? Here are some reflections than can reveal the nutrient rich shadow:

What aspects of yourself do you want to risk bringing forward? What is calling to be acknowledged and welcomed into the fullness of who you are? What truth wants to be integrated, acknowledged or spoken out loud? What conversations will bring important issues forward? What is the rebel in you calling for? What needs are longing to be met? What in you feels vulnerable but also very alive? What aspects of you might threaten the status quo of brought to the forefront?

During this potent time we may choose to acknowledge what we are letting go of and what we are hanging onto. So often we emphasize letting go as the important work but I think what we want to hold onto and deepen is also truly valuable. Perhaps we could hold a little memorial for the old ways of being that are naturally released when we acknowledge the shadow. What ways did we learn to survive that we no longer need? We can acknowledge and thank these old ways and release them back down into the earth. We can also acknowledge what we love, cherish and want to hold onto. We can renew our vows to those values, people and practices that bring us joy and are our north star.

Wishing you the best during this wonderful winter time. Thank you for all that you bring into my life.

Fun Resources:

Have you heard about about the Hedge School? They offer classes and workshops in North America, Europe and online on subjects dear to my heart such as, Celtic myth and tradition, Fairy tales and archetypes, the wheel of the year and practical skills for grounding and rooting. Sharon Blackie the author and psychologist who wrote my favorite book of 2018 If Women Rose Rooted created and teaches at the Hedge School.

All who know me know I love art and all who work with me know I believe art has the power to connect us with powerful emotions and to integrate parts of psyche that can’t be held by language. To Fix the Image in Memory is a current exhibit at SFMOMA that I think you will enjoy. SFMOMA is a lovely place to be while the rain is coming down.

Has anyone seen Sex Education on Netflix? I think it is so fun and who wouldn't want Gillian Anderson to be their therapist?!

Lots of love to all!

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