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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Financial Recovery

Hannah Green

Dear Community, 

Has this month been full of growth opportunities or what?! I am blessed to be connected to many people in work and recovery and so have the opportunity to observe patterns and emotional "weather." From where I sit personally and professionally April has been rich and full of learning. I hope it has been productive time for you and that any challenges have been relatively gentle. :)

In life and work, money issues have been emerging and clarifying. I love talking about money and finances as money is a potent and often taboo subject. For many people talking about money means feeling lots of feelings and so I love creating a safe space in my practice where individuals or couples can do this. For couples, talking about money is important as it is one of the three "biggies" that couples often fight about (the other two being sex and time.)

Dealing with money issues brings great rewards. These rewards are often financial but in my experience are always emotional and spiritual. Knowing that we have faced our financial needs and circumstances squarely and can handle any feelings that arise is truly empowering. 

What are 5 that feelings come up for you when you think about money and finances? Jot them down.....notice where you feel them in your body....

What are five statements that come to mind in regards to money and finances? Jot them down....where do you think these beliefs come from? What do you feel when you hear these statements? 

Money issues often manifest along a spectrum with compulsive spending and or debting on one end and compulsive under earning at the other. One, the other or most often a combination of the two are an invitation to get curious, get support and in my opinion grow through changing my behavior and attitudes around money. 

As always, this newsletter is a means to share some information that may be helpful to you or someone you serve and to share something that has been transformational for me personally.

Here are the tools I practice and swear by that have helped me and many others create peace of mind and prosperity:

  1. Reading and practicing the tools in How to get out of Debt, Stay out of Debt and Live Prosperously

  2. Reading and practicing the tools in Earn What You Deserve: How to Stop Underearning and Start Thriving

  3. Creating a spending record

  4. Creating a spending plan

  5. Not accruing any new debt

  6. Having a safe place to process feelings and examine beliefs about money in personal and couples therapy

Both books go into detail about how to create the spending record and the spending plan. In my experience once those practices have become grooved, anxiety about money goes down and prosperity goes up. I believe there is something magical about being willing to create and keep a spending record. I believe that willingness is empowering and bringing consciousness into my relationship with money is powerful medicine. As a result of these tools I use spending as a mood changer significantly less, have liquidated debt and have built savings and prosperity. Most importantly I have peace of mind and a set of practices that always point me towards gratitude and abundance. 

What are you grateful for? Jot 10 things down. Notice what it is like to focus on and feel gratitude for what you have....

Here are some of the symptoms/signs of compulsive spending/debting or under earning. If you strongly identify with these I suggest checking out one of the books I have recommended or your local debtors/under earners support group here.

  • being in debt

  • having little savings or assets

  • being in financial crisis often

  • feeling pain, stress or fear over money

  • doing a lot of unpaid or volunteer work

  • coming from a troubled/alcoholic family

  • resenting people with money

  • having only a vague idea of your expenses

  • being a workaholic, working in cycles of excess and collapse or not wanting to work at all

  • thinking there is spiritual or political virtue in not having money

  • being proud of your ability to make do with very little

  • believing your occupation won't allow you to make more money

  • having old or insufficient clothes or necessities

  • having a fantasy that something unrealistic will change the situation

  • fearing or resenting spending money but also going on buying binges

  • believing more nmoney would solve all your problems

Here is a Ted Talk that speaks to under earning and process addictions in general.

Watch the Video

As always, thank you for being you and doing the work you do. I see you and appreciate you! Thank you to those who have reached out and said you have enjoyed the newsletter - that means so much to me! 

For fun: 

Here is some insight on this Mercury Retrograde business/the emotional weather in April from the great Jessica Lanyadoo.

This Donna Summers video that is very on topic - the dance scene at the end is great. :)

Sending love!