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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Embracing the Shadow Women's Group

Hannah Green


Center: THE MAGICIAN - Us as a collective right now.

Left: WHEEL OF FORTUNE - Our recent past.

Right: THE EMPRESS - Our near future

Above; FOUR OF CUPS - The conscious material at play

Below: PAGE OF SWORDS - The Unconscious material at play

We are the magician. We have many tools at our disposal, tools of thinking, feeling, manifesting and inspiring and this time calls for them all. The recent past has invited us to experience our wholeness and to face parts of ourselves previously shadowed un the unconscious. What was hidden is now revealed and available to be alchemized by our inner magician.

Our ability to use our creative powers will depend on our ability to stay centered and to allow emotions to surface whilst also staying connected to a still point inside. We will also be called to "spin" our perceptions and change our perceptions radically if we are to make effective magic, grow and affect tangible change under present circumstances.

If we open to our wholeness, change our perspective and utilize our magician functions - embodiment of our values awaits us in the near future. We will be mothering ourselves in a completely new way and creating abundance in the areas that matter to us most. If we stay the course, our ability to walk our talk will increase dramatically.

Grief that was previously hidden is now all around us in the conscious world and so can now be digested and integrated. It is essential to give grief it's due course so that new hope can be born.

Unconsciously we are birthing the ability to have our words match our deeds. Right now it is hard to translate the insights and transformations we are experiencing into tangible results. We need patience and diligence. We need to take it one day at a time. We need to break goals down into teeny tiny action items that we can take daily.

We are reminded to use all the tools at our disposal and to daily do two things: make space for the unconscious by connecting to art, dreams or imagery. Be methodical about bringing our values into manifestation by daily setting manageable objectives that walk us toward our greater aims.

The Tarot is an amazing tools for confusing times. When things feel loaded or unclear imagery can help us connect with truths that lay beneath the content. Images engage the unconscious mind which is the part of us that is able to make sense of complex material in an intuitive way. We FEEL the way a particular image is able to make sense of and hold seemingly contradictory emotions. When I stand in front of a painting and simultaneously feel joy, excitement, grief, connected to all beings and exquisitely alone the power of image is revealed. Tarot taps into this same function and helps me to hold multiple truths and connect with the depths of my being and intuition.

Favorite June Book

Existential Kink By Carolyn Elliot

Carolyn Elliot is a true wordsmith. She integrates hermetic wisdom and Jungian psychology in playful straightforward language. Her insights and tools produce tangible results rapidly. Her ability to articulate complex material is uncanny and a true pleasure to read. She narrates the audio version so you can enjoy her sassy sense of humor more fully through that medium.


Summer Jams Relaxing Spotify Mix - Enjoy xo


Psychology on TV

Normal People is a show based on the novel by writer Sally Rooney. It documents the (sometimes exquisite) pain of falling in love as a young person. Even more poignantly it illustrates how early trauma plays out in relationships before we have had the chance to process it it in adulthood.

The show will be interesting for those interested in avoidant and anxious attachment styles, sex and love addiction and healing from trauma. Many people who watch it will not be considering these topics and will be content to consume the dramatic and sensual elements of the show but the more discerning and psychologically minded viewer will enjoy the deeper layers and dynamics.

Normal People highlights how painful it is when communication breaks down in relationship and how easily we can misunderstand each other. Without awareness and communication Marrianne and Connell project their worst fears onto one another and are more in relationship to their trauma than to each other. This is easy to see in other people and very hard to recognize in ourselves.

The show also depicts how even in our earlier dysfunction we are creatively exploring how to heal. The late teens and earlier 20's are often characterized by symptoms of our early trauma and our creative attempts to heal. Often it is the consequences those "misguided" attempts create that forge and necessitate the path to true recovery, insight and healing.

The show is beautifully made and the characters extremely rich and multi-dimensional. The show has deep feminist undertones and poignantly explores what is is to be a young, bright and wounded woman.