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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Boundaries, San Francisco Gardens and More

Hannah Green

Dear Community,

Happy June....

“I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” - F Scott Fitzgerald

Many of my conversations have centered on boundaries this month. It has been about 17 years since I was first introduced to boundaries at the Meadows Treatment Center in Arizona. I found myself there - suddenly immersed in recovery and my life changing profoundly. My first week there, Pia Melody happened to sitting in on that weeks group therapy. Everyone was talking about it being such a blessing and a big deal that she was in our group. I was brand new to recovery, experiencing one of the lowest points of my life and totally unaware of my good fortune. I am so grateful now for her and her pioneering spirit and work. Her work truly changed my life.

Any of us interested in recovery, mental health, boundaries, intimacy and spirituality would do well to explore her model. The best way to do this is through one of her two books:

Facing Codependence
Facing Love Addiction

For a deep dive into the model and a truly transformational experience you can attend the Survivors Workshop at the Meadows in Arizona.

Boundaries are a spiritual practice that have to do with existing in the world in a way that recognizes and honors the innate value in ourselves and all people. I have found the exploration and practice of boundaries to be essential in recovering from addiction, anxiety, depression, relationship problems and any kind of abuse or trauma. I continue to learn about boundaries in my personal life and in my work with clients and find the exploration to always be revealing and productive.

I recently listened to this conversation between Alanis Morisette and Pia Mellody and enjoyed Alanis' obvious excitement and gratitude. Their conversation gives a nice overview of boundaries as well as Pia's model and approach.

Enjoy that conversation here.

Have you seen Won't You Be My Neighbor? I loved it. Fred Roger's message is so powerful. Go see it! Watch the preview here.

Speaking of powerful messages watch comedian Hannah Gadsby's Netflix special and prepare to be blown away.

The above painting is one from The Fifth Season Rene Magritte at SFMOMA. This exhibit is truly beautiful and is as psychologically and emotionally stimulating as it is visual. Make sure to download the new SFMOMA app so you can explore the art even more deeply.

Nature for many of us is an essential resource for grounding and joy. I am reminding us all to enjoy the abundance of Golden Gate Park! The Rose Garden is ridiculously beautiful and fragrant and the lovely Botanical Garden is free for San Francisco residents.

Hoping you are finding a sense of adventure - in both the internal journey available through the mundane and repetitious and the external journey we find in travel and novelty.

Happy trails.

XO Hannah