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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Jungian Psychology and Individuation

Hannah Green

Dear Community, 

Happy July! This quote always comes to mind around Independence Day.....

"The more we become willing to rely on a higher power, the more independent we actually become. Therefor dependence as AA practices it, is really a means of gaining true independence of spirit." - pg 36, 12 Steps and 12 Traditions

Independence of spirit, or in Jungian terms, Individuation is the central "goal" of therapy. For many this can be described as a spiritual process by which one comes into connection with self, others and universe an an increasingly intimate way. 

Questions such as these often catalyze the individuation process and/or become central themes in therapy: Are you connected to something larger than yourself? Is there something beyond our own thinking? Is there something to rely on besides our own limited perspective and unsteady will power? Can you trust yourself? How does your own personal spirituality sustain and guide you? 

I have the pleasure of talking with a wide array of people whose beliefs, practices and feelings on the subject are all unique and different. I find that regardless of spiritual beliefs and practices the desire to trust ourselves and feel relatively secure unites us all. Where does this trust come from? For those of us who grew up with relational trauma, addiction, codependence or any kind of abuse, what can we rely on and how do we build this trust in ourselves and in the universe as a whole? 

I believe this sense of trust comes from wholeness. Jung called this process of integration or becoming whole, Individuation.

Those of us on the path of Individuation are tasked with:

  1. Integrating our shadow: This is where we get in touch with parts of ourselves that have previously been repressed or unacknowledged. This is a powerful process by which we lay claim to disowned parts of self and process feelings that may feel scary. Although messy, this process invariably results in more confidence, clarity and choice.

  2. Uniting opposites: This is where we integrate the rational and the irrational parts of our psyche. For those more identified with the rational (mostly everyone in our culture) this means exploring and relying on the more emotional and intuitive parts of our nature. During this phase, many people begin to experience what Jung called synchronicity: where we have the veil between the inner and outer worlds is thinner and we get the sense we are walking our true path.

  3. Exploring our inner crone or wise one: During this phase we are in relationship to and in dialogue with our inner wise one. At this point we may begin supporting others on their journey to wholeness in more explicit ways.

This path to individuation is not a straight line. It is a process we move towards but it is also simply an uncovering of the wholeness that already exists within. Jung said the mandala was the best visual depiction of this inner journey. His incredibleRed Bookcontains images that point towards the process of individuation and bring it to life through color and symbol. I find the ancient spiral to be the perfect symbol of Individuation. Ever walked a labyrinth? The labyrinth is a physical representation of this inner journey. Try walking the labyrinth atGrace Cathedral.

Through Individuation we come to terms with the paradox and messiness inherent in life. We soften around old black and white thinking that says things are either good or bad, this way or that. 

The process of Individuation is something we are called to often through suffering. Those who struggle with symptoms of depression, anxiety or addiction may recognize these symptoms as the call to journey inward. When we place these symptoms in the context of individuation, our suffering has meaning and we know how to progress - towards wholeness and connection. 

Here are some books and videos on Jungian Psychology, Spirituality and Individuation to support you on your inner journey:

The Tao of Psychology

Varieties of Religious Experience

Meeting the Shadow

Jung's Map of the Soul

Video: Carl Jung: What is the Individuation Process

Video: Carl Jung discussing the Individuation process

Please note that I will be out of the office and out of the country from August 5th until August 26th. I will be resuming sessions on Monday August 27th.

During that time I will be unavailable by phone or email and will be returning calls and emails after August 27th. Please be patient with me as it may take some time for me to get back to everyone. My dear colleague Vanessa Wolter will be covering for me in my absence. You can find her contact information on her website

I am very excited to be making a pilgrimage with my husband home to England, where I was born. During our time there we will be visiting many special places and sacred sites. I can't wait to share experiences with you in Septembers email!

XO Hannah