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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Nurturing the Inner Flame

Hannah Green

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Book Online Session

Hello All! Sending love to you during this tender, transformational time! You are doing an amazing job. You are enough. You are magic.

Those of you who work with me regularly know that my practice is online during shelter in place. I am trying to make a few appointments a week available for established clients not on my regular schedule and for Tarot sessions. Every other Friday at 10 and every other Monday at 2 pm are available just for that and you can book online.

It is my belief that everyone is using this time to heal, grow, reflect, transform, grieve and connect in the way that is perfect for them. I honor the way you are navigating the challenges and opportunities available to us right now. My wish is for you to feel connected to resources that remind you - you are precious, creative, capable and resilient. We are doing it!

Painting by Vladimir Kush


Meditation on the candle flame within.

We have an inner fire. This fire burns with creativity, love and hope. It is our sense of aliveness. It reminds us that we are valuable at all times, in all circumstances and in all conditions. Our value does not fluctuate or go up and down. Value is as steady as a candle burning brightly. Our personal boundary system protects this candle from all winds and all weather.

This guided meditation brings the inner candle to the forefront of our attention and if used regularly builds awareness of this inner flame so that it may feel protected in fair weather or foul.

Click below to go on the guided meditation with me....



  • I have been enjoying collaging the last few weeks. Collaging has long been one of my favorite mediums for creativity. It is a great mix of visual and kinesthetic creativity. It is like creating your own personal Tarot expression. I am excited to be taking an online training currently with Soul Collage - it seems I am not the only one who sees collaging as a richly therapeutic medium! Check out their trainings and workshops.

  • Two Mythical Coloring Books for you to download. ONE TWO

  • This is a repeat resource but as the year progresses I am loving the Mythic Life monthly classes with Sharon Blackie. It is affordable and each monthly module is on a wonderful topic and includes guided imagination and written text. It is a great complement to personal therapy for anyone who works with me.

  • Scarlet Sage has some wonderful offerings in their new online Mystery School including a workshop focussed on financial well-being and the stimulus package.

  • There are lots of books, audio and worksheets on my website. You can check out my resources page HERE.

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This powerful image is from the Thoth Tarot deck. I have been working with the Thoth deck almost exclusively the last month. It is the keeper of deep wisdom. The Princess of Wands is the master of liberation, expression and the remover of internal blocks. She has the tiger by the tail. She does not repress her fears, rather she faces them and uses them to flush out any obstacles to liberation of the spirit. She is Mistress of Spring. She is a potent reminder to throw our fears on the pyre and let this purify us. Through facing and releasing fear we transform. By honoring the creative, vital force that lives within us we live sensually and fully. By recognizing challenge as opportunity we move through infinite portals of expansion.

"The spring time is a season for renewal and new beginnings, which is represented by the Ram's pedestal. The Princess of Wands has placed her old obstructions and fears on the altar and offers it as a spring sacrifice. She can be totally exposed and defenseless because she has nothing to fear."

~ Angeles Arrien from the Tarot Handbook: Practical Applications of Ancient Visual Symbols.


You can use the feelings chart to help you identify, express and explore feelings. This can help us get to know ourselves and our feelings better. It helps to identify feelings in the body and ask...where do I feel that emotion in my body? This helps us separate thoughts from feelings and go deeper into our felt senses. "I feel like you..." is not a feeling it is a thought. This chart helped me learn the difference between thoughts and feelings which developed my self awareness and my ability to be intimate with myself and others.

Feelings chart from the Meadows Treatment Center.


Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders

  • - Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women suffering from alcoholism. To find an online support group, visit here.

  • - Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)/Dysfunctional Families is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition program of men and women who grew up in with parents suffering from alcoholism. To find an online support group, visit here.

  • - Narcotics Anonymous is a global, community-based organization that helps individuals with substance use disorders. To find an online support group, visit here.

  • - Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women help each to recover from their addiction. To find an online support group, visit here.


  • - Co-Dependents Anonymous, a program that helps individuals recover from codependence. To find an online support group, visit here.

Depression and Anxiety

  • - Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders. To find an online support group, visit here.

Eating Disorder

  • - Eating Disorder Hope’s mission is to offer hope, information, and resources to individual eating disorder sufferers, their family members, and treatment providers. To find an online support group, visit here.

Sexual Addiction

  • - Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) shares experience and hope to others so that they can overcome their sexual addiction. To find a telephone or virtual meeting, visit here.