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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Meeting With the Muse

Hannah Green

Book Online Session

Painting: The Maying of Queen Guinevere by Philip Ralley

Hello All! Sending all my best to you during this transformational time! I honor the ways you are taking care of yourselves and others and wish you a happy Summer. I know that you are finding your own balance, your own insight and your own rhythm. You really are amazing.

My practice is online through May. I have updated my website with information about online therapy and new offerings. I am excited to be offering shorter and more affordable 30 minute Jungian Tarot sessions. Working with the archetypes in Tarot is a wonderful way to get to the heart of things and receive guidance and support from your higher self when you need it most. I have one or two appointments a week available for 30 minute Tarot and 60 minute Tarot. Book online here.

I am feeling very creative and hopeful as we transition into Summer. The potent and emergent themes for me are release and comfort. Releasing and moving through transitions by harnessing honesty, open-mindedness and willingness. Receiving comfort through connecting with with the four elements of earth, air, fire and water.



The last few months have been an invitation to strip down to essentials. We have been invited and sometimes forced to let go. Now - what do we want to create? As the rich growth of summer unfolds, what do we want to call in? Perhaps we have been quite appropriately in a place of contraction rather than expansion but as we transform...what is stirring inside? What nourishment does the creative part of you long for? How do you want to weave your recent awakenings into form?

This guided imagination adventure invites you to make contact with your inner muse. Through felt sense and free writing we will connect with and give voice to the creative part of ourselves.

Have pen and paper handy for this exercise.

Click below to go on the guided meditation with me....



One of my favorite things about this last month is seeing how people have creatively and naturally been healing themselves. I have heard about clients baking bread, going for incredible long walks, learning new things, connecting virtually in almost every way imaginable, grieving, finding joy in being alone, facing their demons, spending lots of time with partners and loved ones, staying in bed all day watching British period pieces and discovering parts of themselves long forgotten.

The following resources are perhaps little things but as we have learned - the little things are the real substance of our lives. A perfect cup of coffee, a sun break between zoom meetings, the jasmine growing on our block. Here are some of the little things I love right now and have brought me joy.

The Calm App - perhaps I am late to join the enthusiasm for mindfulness apps but now I am hooked. I listen to a bedtime story every night. Steven Fry's lullabies is my current favorite. The sound effects are so beautiful I also use the app for ambient sound.
The HAG WAYS COLLECTIVE Is a wonderful way to connect with the seasons and your inner witch. Danielle now has a body prayer component to her offerings that has helped me stay moving!

A favorite new film is Extra Ordinary. It is wonderfully creative and in the vein of What We Do In the Shadows. It is hilarious with heart. A very healing and moving film is Never Look Away. This film contains the most accurate cinematic depiction I've ever seen of how psyche works and how art heals.

There are lots of books, audio and worksheets on my website. You can check out my resources page HERE.


Beltane Love and Spirit Spotify Mix for you - Enjoy xo


Plus this entire beautiful album that I can't stop listening to Weyes Blood Titanic Rising


We are learning to bring our intuition and insight into the world of form. Mindfulness practice is intensely practical and leads to practical actions which are in alignment with our core values. This kind of action transforms spirit into matter and brings our hopes alive (Page of Swords). We have gone deep within and connected with our inner light in a time of darkness. Within our caves we have found new inspiration and remembered lost truths (Hermit). We are learning our place in the cosmos and how to let our lights shine. We are learning to work with our own unconscious so we can tap into the collective consciousness in a deeper way than ever before. We are unlocking our psychic powers and connecting at the speed of light (Star). Old patterns and beliefs that have held us in shackles are becoming conscious. By facing those things that have bound us we are setting ourselves free. Collectively and individually we are facing our demons so that we can learn to show up in authenticity, reveling in our humanity rather than denying it (Devil). We are building something new and collaboration is key. Our foundations are grasping new roots and we are offering our gifts up to the process. What we are birthing is holy and sacred (Three of Pentacles). Lean into the willingness to receive a gift or new opportunity. This gift may show up as an invitation to expand rather than contract. Saying yes to something new is powerful medicine (Ace of Pentacles).

What do you see?

What new things are you being offered right now?

How do you want to approach changes in your life right now?

Five card readings are my current favorite. I find the five card pull to be richly potent and versatile. You can use the placement of all five cards to fit your needs and interests. One way to read card placement: the querent as you are now in the center and the four elements surrounding you. The elements correspond with different functions such as feeling in the west, thinking in the east, spirit in the south, body and physical surroundings in the north. Alternately or in addition: the querent in the center, the past on the left, the future on the right, what we're dealing with on the surface above and the unconscious material below. I often like to pull a sixth card which symbolizes the most potent tool or best way to approach the matters at hand and to assist the current growth pattern.


Many of us have been in zoom meetings galore and are experiencing some screen fatigue. Here are some tips that have been game changers for me:

  1. Turning the brightness on my screen wayyyyyy down. I did this upon recommendation the second week of quarantine and it has made a world of difference!

  2. Having a candle burning on my work desk or nearby at all times.

  3. Using a diffuser in the same room I am working with an uplifting scent like frankincense or lemon.

  4. Cleansing my workspace well and often. At the end of the day I use incense to cleanse my work area, organize all my office supples, take out the trash (empty la croix cans) and turn my computer off.

  5. When I am not using my workspace and sometimes during the day I leave my sound machine playing ocean sounds. I find the sound energetically bathes and cleanses the space.

  6. Keeping lots of crystals and rocks around to see and also to hold periodically throughout the day.

  7. Having a background that is pleasing and healing not just for my clients to see but also for me. I have my screen angled so that I can see one of my favorite altar spaces.