A Letter to You...
Hannah Green
Image Becca Tapert
Happy New Moon
Dear One,
You've done so much work. You've broken family patterns, wandered into the wild to find healing and returned with powerful medicine. You take this medicine into each of your relationships and into your work in the world.
Perhaps the idea of connecting with like minded women intrigues, excites and even scares you.
You wonder, what would it be like to be with other women and reveal my light and my darkness?
You want to bring magic into love and work. You are a creatrix! You long to feel alive and to express your gifts.
Part of you wants to evolve quietly, on you own or in individual therapy...
Another part of you knows community is the cauldron where magic is made.
Growing with and in front of others is worth the reward.
You are a living, breathing, beautiful paradox and you need a community that can hold that.
You want to share deeply what scares you...and also what makes you feel alive!
You want to be in community that holds space for depth of feeling..and also for insight and creative expression.
You want to talk about spirituality...and also about real life stuff - like sex and money.
You want resources tools and structure that help you to tangibly reach your goals.
Embracing the Shadow is an evolving, inspired and heart felt creation and this is it's goal: To meet your deep need to connect and inspire.
Embracing the Shadow is an invitation to let go of shame, embody our gifts and stand in our vulnerability in the company of fellow women.
Embracing the Shadow is part salon, mystery school, alchemical community and women's group.
Salon: a salon is a gathering of people held by an inspiring host. During the gathering they amuse one another and increase their knowledge through conversation. More on the rich feminist history of salon's later.
Mystery School: A group of initiates dedicated to deepening their understanding of the mystery teachings. The mystery teachings are the perspectives, techniques and practices that lead us to what Jung called the Unconscious mind and facilitate awakening, insight and healing.
Alchemical Community: A group of people dedicated to honoring wholeness and reducing shame. A group that encourages participants to express their whole selves and to take relational and creative risks to increase their access to spiritual awakening, wealth, self-love, joy and love.
Women's Group: A place where depth of feeling is welcomed and held. A place where the cycles of women's lives can be shared and and held with reverence and celebration.
Apply below and be the first to know when registration opens later this fall. Feel free to share this email with a friend.
Embracing the Shadow is evolving into...
A monthly program focussed on specific topics like...
and much more....
Each month we will be deep diving into a topic and exploring resources, practices and specific tools to guide your way.
We will be doing all this in community - meeting virtually twice a month and through a private forum.
Every month you will receive a PDF containing practices and resources tailored to that month's topic.
More details to come!
Let me know you are interested and join the list by applying below.
Image Cristian Newman