The Portal to Avalon
Hannah Green
Image Hannah Green MFT
Happy Full Moon
This is me in Glastonbury England... Avalon in 2018!
Hi there,
You have come so far and done so much healing work.
You have discovered medicine and become a vessel for that medicine. You have shed painful patterns, developed keen insight and held yourself in your own loving embrace.
You have reparented yourself and been on a magical journey of discovery and transformation. You share your medicine in increasingly healthy relationships and perhaps even in a professional capacity now as an artist, healing practitioner or conduit for social change.
You shine.
Yet sometimes you feel a call to something more...a call to go deeper... and you wonder how to find the missing piece.
You still worry sometimes that you are too much or not enough...
In sometimes return to dry wells when the thirst for connection swells in your belly.
Sometimes you still feel alone, overwhelmed and like it is all up to you...
All women on a true healing journey experience these challenges. They are in fact the invitation to go deeper...but how?
Have you heard of the mythical, magical isle of Avalon that lies beyond the mists? I bet you have.
Image Mists of Avalon
Avalon is known as the isle of women and is an ancient, sacred place where women support one another in cultivating wisdom, healing and deep connection to the Mystery.
The women of Avalon create a rich and protected environment that fosters their true power and nourishes their gifts. This place has a well with pure, thirst quenching water.
You might be thinking, I want to go there but how on earth could we reach this sacred place in 2020 with all the troubles we face? Is it even possible?
It is! Listen to this recent Embracing the Shadow participant...
"I created a connection with a group of radiant women, received tools to work through different types of stoppages, a true connection to nature and myself."
~ Nicole Embracing the Shadow Participant
Image Mists of Avalon
In order reach Avalon we must cross the mists, and enter the portal...
When you join Embracing the Shadow Women's Group we cross the mists and enter the Avalon portal together. Avalon embodies and represents a deep sense of connection with ourselves, each other and the Mystery...
The first step is taking a leap of faith and joining a women's group despite our doubts, old beliefs and old hurts, perhaps from wounded relationships with other women in the past.
Together we can go further than we can alone...together we connect with our deep intuition, heal old wounds still blocking us, integrate our shadow and step into our power.
In Embracing the Shadow This happens through:
Guidance and structure including specific practices and readings presented to you each month
Exploring a blend of of western psychology and western mysticism
A blend of practical and embodied, creative tools for growth, expansion and healing
Group process - where you can risk and experience being seen in your wholeness
Owning your light and your dark and practicing radical self-love through group and personal process
Connecting with ancient tools like the Tarot in order to develop intuition and connect with the unconscious
Fostering personal creativity and expression
Focussing on a monthly theme and connecting to nature's cycles to stay focussed and grounded
Witnessing others and their strengths and challenges and finally realizing on a deepest level that you are not alone, broken or behind schedule
"I thought therapy was about "fixing" your broken pieces. Shadow Work is about embracing all the parts of you, and releasing shame around them. Becoming your whole self. Playing with your Shadow Parts, and seeing how you can use them to your power."
Here's some of my story...
My healing has been deeply facilitated and influenced by groups.
At a hugely pivotal point in my life I found myself in inpatient treatment for addiction at 23 years old. I was at a crisis point where I needed a radical shift in consciousness. I needed to plunge into the mists and begin to heal the rift between my conscious and unconscious mind, and that long process began by connecting deeply with others in group process. These connections skyrocketed me into the world of recovery, spirituality and into the power of groups. From that point on groups would be an integral part of my personal and professional development forever.
Nearly 20 years later, I am a therapist, spiritual practitioner, long time student of psychology and spirituality and woman in recovery. My passion is crossing the mists to Avalon by creating a dialog between the conscious and unconscious mind to foster healing. For me, crossing the mists and arriving in Avalon represents the magic, synchronicity, freedom and love that flows from connecting with my whole Self, with others and the Mystery.
Here's what other women are saying about Embracing the Shadow...
"I loved the feeling of community and sisterhood! I realized I am not alone on my journey, not alone in my struggles. I am really excited about Group Work now, and its potential. I also greatly appreciated having tangible exercises, books and resources to work on! Hannah did great at creating a safe container where magic can happen.Hannah was great at including everybody in the group, and giving us all chances to share.
~ Anna
"This was my first experience in a women's group. I felt a strong sense of support and a safe space to explore aspects of myself that I sometimes view as shameful or "bad'. I have felt better this month than I have in a long time and I attribute a majority of that to my participation in this group. I'm taking away some positive habits such as writing down my dreams and pulling a tarot card. I've also developed friendships rooted in exploration of self and mutual respect"
~ Makenna
"The group gave me a container to focus and wonder. It was helpful to hear others talk about their experience and to notice what felt similar and different.
The prompt to pull a card or image each day brought me into deeper connection with my new deck, and it was really fun. I loved having the FB group to share images and thoughts - more opportunities to see synchronicities between us. I loved the focus and holding of the group. Thank you! I liked the opportunity to share something creative for the closing ritual. I get excited about bringing songs into more of my spaces. Loving sharing that part of me more."
~ Jeremi
Sound good?
Learn More Here
I understand that it's always a little scary going into the unknown and into the mists....but the women of Avalon can inspire us to rely on our intuition and bravery to make the crossing. If you feel the call, please join us! Start the journey by clicking the link below.
Apply Here
Image Hannah Green MFT Carnac Alignments France
PS: Here's some of the details...
Embracing the Shadow focuses on a monthly theme where we explore specific tools and practices to advance our growth.
Embracing the Shadow focusses on fostering Carl Jung called Individuation which means conscious awareness of wholeness and the connection with the Self.
Embracing the Shadow also focusses on practical topics like sex, money and communication.
Embracing the Shadow currently costs $175/ month which is less than one therapy session!
You can participate in Embracing the Shadow from anywhere in the world.
Embracing the Shadow includes:
A PDF outlining that months focus and resource materials
Participation in a lively forum
Two live zoom meetings: One for diving into that months readings and practices and one for deeper group process. We meet 2 Wednesdays a month at 6 pm.
The occasional meeting in nature when possible
PPS: If you are a past client and have seen me for either individual or couples therapy I would love to reconnect with you through Embracing the Shadow!