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Hannah Green MFT

1195 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110
United States


Holistic psychotherapy in San Francisco for individuals and couples.




Connecting With Ancestors

Hannah Green

Image Hannah Green MFT

Image Hannah Green MFT

Happy New Moon

Me connecting with land ancestors at White Horse Hill, UK . Read more about connecting with the ancestors below.

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I truly appreciate being connected to you. Sharing these emails and the things I am excited about is a bright spot in my business. I recently made this FREE GUIDE TO CONNECTING WITH THTE UNCONSCIOUS as a gift for new subscribers and I want you to have it too.

Creating a dialog between the conscious and unconscious minds is my passion. Contained in this guide are simple tools to nurture the bridge between the two. This bridge is a key to more choice, freedom, meaning and magic in our lives. Enjoy!


The ancient Celts tell us that October is the best time to connect with our ancestors.

There are 4 kinds of Ancestors...

  • Ancestors from your genetic line - family, blood relations

  • Ancestors of ‘tribe’ and culture - nationality, lifestyle, food, beliefs

  • Ancestors of place - who lived here before us?

  • Ancestors of spiritual and intellectual lineage - perhaps my favorite. Who inspires us and who's ideas, struggles and insights have paved the way for us to become who we are?

Why care about ancestry? It can give us a sense of belonging in a strange world.

Ancient celts believed this month to be another liminal time where the veil between the worlds is thin. Connecting with, thanking and honoring our roots and ancestors is especially potent.

Perhaps as we face the challenging and transformational year of 2020 getting some guidance, perspective and feeling "a part of" is especially important. Perhaps with the state of affairs we are needing to plunge our roots more deeply into the earth to find the nourishment we need.

Here are the 2 main ways I like to work with ancestors:

Journaling: Using active imagination we can dialogue with these special people, asking for their guidance and perspective. This is most easily done using the technique of free writing.

  1. Get 2 different pens, one for you and one for your ancestor

  2. Perhaps have their picture or something that reminds you of them nearby

  3. Ask questions with one pen and answer with the other using the free writing technique of continually moving the pen and writing whatever comes up without judgement.

Alter work: placing pictures or things that remind you of special people on an alter or special place in your home.

Do you have favorite ways?

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Image Upsplash